Issue No. 3: Music and Identity

Music has the potential to create profound connections to the formation and performance of identity, often reflecting myriad contemporary social tensions and communicating individuals’ personal notions of inclusion/exclusion, social belonging, and positionality. In this curated collection, we seek perspectives on the relationship between music—as performance, composition, analysis, as an object for listening, and any other form of musicking—and various expressions of identity.

Article 1: “Navigating Discomfort, Acceptance, and Solidarity as an Asian American Classical Musician and Scholar,” by Sylvie Tran.

Article 2: “Vladimir Vysotsky and DDT’s Underground Resistance: Towards a Russian Musical Aesthetic of the Unsaid,” by Tanya Landau.

Article 3: “Feminine Armor: Helga Pataki as Brünhilde and Carmen in ‘What’s Opera, Arnold?’ from Hey Arnold!” by TJ Laws-Nicola.

Article 4: “‘New Music,’ Identity, and Exclusion: A Woman’s Place in a Masculine Space,” by Anna Rose Nelson.

Editorial Board: Anna Rose Nelson, Michaela Franzen, Kelly Hoppenjans, Cecilia Hiros

Guest Editors/Reviewers for this issue: Yiqing Ma, Sasha Drozzina, Sylvie Tran, Vivian Luong, AJ Banta